Hindustan Saga
Anupama Ravindran Menon - one of the most remarkable women you would read about on the internet!

Anupama Ravindran Menon – one of the most remarkable women you would read about on the internet!

Meet a remarkable woman, Anupama Ravindran Menon,  who has a unique perspective on life and writing. She describes herself as a simple girl next door who finds joy in life’s small moments, from the morning dew blanketing the earth to the fragrant scent of rain. As a doctor by profession, she has a passion for capturing the beauty of the world through her writing. Her genre primarily revolves around love, emotions, and memories, reminding us that these are what make us truly human.



  1.  Awarded the United Nations Peace Keeping Medal & Honorary certificate for contributions as UN ambassador & medical officer in 2020.
  2.  Awarded Honorary certificate for being a part of the UNIFIL COVID-19 Crisis team in 2020. 
  3.  Received Honorary certificates for being the representing speaker of Malaysia in the International Virtual Symposium of Adversities & Strategies of Handling COVID-19 in area of operation organised by Vietnamese Defence Ministry & UNDPKO & by CUNPKO India. 
  4. One of the Key speakers as Gender Focal Representative in conjunction with the 20th Anniversary of UNSCR 1325 Women Peace Security UN
  5. Participant & Battalion Coordinator for INTERNATIONAL EX MASCAL-2020 MASS CASUALTY LIVE EXERCISE UNIFIL to test for the preparedness of UNIFIL medical sector to handle mass disasters. 
  6. Speaker & joint organiser for curbing Malaria outbreak amongst military personnel in collaboration with The Johore State Health Department of Infectious Disease & Entomology & Royal medical Corps in 2017-2018.


  1. First prize in Notion Press International Short Stories writing Competition 2018.
  2. Published as joint author along with 19 other authors in Plotpourri, an anthology of short stories by Notion Press in 2018.
  3. Published debut novel venture entitled “Dear Manusha” under the publication house of Notion Press in 2019
  4. First runner up in the 7th Indie’s Author Championship by Notion Press in 2023
  5. Awardee of Sheroes Nari Samman 2023 Award by TWIC-PWP
  6. Awardee of Banabhatta Saahityik Puraskaar 2023 Award by Cherrybook Awards & Digital Golgappa
  7. Awardee of Pratibha Samman 2023 Award by SheForward Official
  8. Awardee of Bharat Bhushan Ratna Samman 2023 by PWP.
  9. Awardee for Maharishi Valmiki Bharathiya Samman 2023 Award by Cherrybook Awards
  10. Awardee of Helen Keller Global Iconic Womanhood 2023 Award by TWIC
  11. Awardee for Tagore Ratna Samman 2023 in the category “Best Woman Writer of the Year by PWP.
  12. Awardee of Inspiring Indians 2023 by BharatGuild
  13. L.​ Nominee of Litfest 2023 & Author of the Year 2023 by Ne8x Litfest 
  14. Podcast interview of author by Koalakraft India 2023 & multiple interviews across The Pink Stories, The Update India, Hindustan Metro, Asia Times Now etc.
  15. Featured as “Diverse Voices of Southeast Asia: India’s Top 3 Favourite Writers” in India Thrive & Hindustan Metro.
  16. Also Featured as “7 Upcoming Personalities & Voices of India” in multiple platforms namely, ANI news (Asian News International), The British Columbia Times, USA World Today, The London News Channel etc. 
  17. Awardee of William Shakespeare Golden book & Laureate 2023 Award by PWP & TIWC
  18. Featured as cover star for Sheroes Magazine May- June edition by PWP.


  1. Successfully completed first Solo Art Exhibition entitled “Hridhaya: The Language of Heartbeats” in 2019
  2. Awarded Champion for Dream Theme Category in the International Young Fine Art Artists Open Competition 2023.
  3. Participated in International Future Generation Art Prize 2023


As quoted by her favourite diarist & writer, Anne Frank, she believes that the length of living means nothing in comparison to the depth of living with love & life. “Wearing my heart on my sleeve & brain somewhere between my cranium & mouth, is pretty much myself in a nutshell” as she says. Meet our very own simple girl next door, Anupama Ravindran Menon, fondly known as her Anu, is a second generation Malaysian Keralite whose roots trace back to native God’s own country. Born and brought up in the humble suburbs of old Seremban town in Malaysia, she is the oldest of her siblings, brought up in the warm embrace of  her beloved family who she quotes as the crux of everything she is today dedicating it mainly to her dad, Mr Ravindran Menon. Upon being conferred the scholarship of the Malaysian Defense Ministry & obtaining MBBS from Manipal University, she completed her internship & began serving as a doctor in the Malaysian Armed Forces.

Setting foot as a doctor & an officer in the military was a unique experience of its own quoting it a privilege to have served under the United Nation’s (UN) flagship in a peacekeeping operation in Lebanon in 2019-2020 (UNIFIL) as a part of an entourage of the Malaysian Battalion 850-7. Anu believes that the opportunity to join international exercises provided an arena, pivoting as a melting pot of culture & brains, enabling the exchange of personal & professional experiences between various cultures & continents.  Amongst many other feathers adorned on her hat, she also juggled the role as the Gender Focal Point representative for the contingent. Anu personally felt gratified for the wonderful opportunity to be walking hand in hand with all these beautiful ladies of all walks of life, hearing & experiencing their life first hand. She was also an active part of the COVID-19 crisis team under the tutelage of UNIFIL Medical HQ & WHO. Furthermore, she was the representing speaker for Malaysia, in international virtual symposiums to present regarding the adversities & challenges of COVID-19 in operational areas, by Vietnamese Defence & UNDPKO & CUNPKO of India to name a few.

Stuck in a millennial body but carrying an old school soul, her likes are very much encompassed by little miracles of life… She is an ardent believer of live, love & laugh trying to find happiness in the tiny, daily forgotten bundles of joy. Above all, she loves her dad (the most), her family & loved ones. 

As much as she loves practicing medicine, she is also in awe of art in its every form. Anu finds it addictive diving into books & splashing colors over a blank canvas… She enjoys snapping shots of nature, trying to capture the perfect moment of a heartbeat in a single click of camera lens. Hence, a doctor in the armed forces, Nature’s photographer, writer & painter, the new kid around the block…

She did her first solo art exhibition entitled “Hridhaya: The Language of Heartbeats” in 2019. She has also authored two books, first published as a joint author in “Plotpourri-anthology of short stories”, followed by her debut solo venture “Dear Manusha” which has also won her multiple awards and recognitions despite being the new kid in the block.

Read her exclusive interview here!

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