Dr. Shikha Tripathi, a renowned Implantologist with over 17 years of experience and a remarkable implant success rate of 98%, has authored two insightful volumes...
The Government of Karnataka, in association with Eduspark International Pvt Ltd, an Ampersand Group company and the lead member of a consortium comprising M/s. Udbhav...
Moscow celebrated the tenth International Yoga Day 2024 in lavish style by organising mass asana sessions, expert talks on Ayurveda and meditation programmes simultaneously at...
Over 300 leading global and domestic healthcare brands showcased in the launch edition of India Health. New Delhi, June 15, 2024: The launch edition of...
Pune (Maharashtra), [India], May 27, 2024: Lexicon Rainbow Therapy and Child Development Centre, nestled in the heart of Pune, stands as a beacon of hope...
Surat (Gujarat) [India]: Two individuals from different corners of the globe, Mr. Jussa Bacar from Mozambique and Mr. Bhaktimoy Sarkar from Bangladesh, found themselves united...
Surat (Gujarat) [India], 15th April 2024: A pioneering medical procedure has led to the complete resolution of a severe urethral stricture in an 84-year-old male...