Hindustan Saga
Now shopping is made easy by Strollay
Fashion & Beauty LifeStyle

Now shopping is made easy by Strollay


Strollay® was started in 2012 with the motto to serve Indian diaspora residing abroad with Women’s Ethnic Clothing like Designer Sarees, Party Wear Salwar Kameez, Wedding Special Lehenga Cholis, Indo-Western Gowns, Daily wear Kurtis, Casual Kurta-Palazzos Sets, as it was very difficult for them to get latest designs at their nearby store.

Founded in Surat – Textile Hub of India / Silk City of India – it was very convenient for us to get access to Latest Designs and get them available for our customers as soon it’s launched. As of today, we are tied up with 300+ Banarasi Artisans, Homegrown Designers, Handloom Weavers & Customised Tailoring Units. We started with about 100 SKUs, as of now are having more than 21000+ designs to choose from.

Initially, we were only Serving the customers worldwide including India with High-Quality Women’s Ethnic Wear. Now, we also have a B2B Website to support Resellers / Boutique Owners / Retailers Worldwide – to start their own Ethnic Wear Business or grow their existing Ethnic Wear Business. Currently, we have catering 900+ Boutiques across USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Singapore, UK, Mauritius, Germany, France, Netherlands, Malaysia & New Zealand on a regular basis. They can Join our Reseller Program and get access to 21000+ Styles in Women’s Ethnic Wear bundled with in-house Customisation & Stitching Facility plus they can also avail our Worldwide Drop-shipping Services.

Founder details:

Rahul Chhajer was born and raised in a textile business family, thus he grew up with anecdotes about the industry. When he realised he could take the business online and serve consumers all over the world, he took a giant step forward. From his early days as a graduate student at St. Xavier’s College in Calcutta, he had a strong desire to create his own business. Later, his knowledge in international business from IIM Indore combined with his textile background aided him in quickly establishing an export-oriented e-commerce business. He believes in simple fundamentals: provide your consumers with an unforgettable experience, and they will return the favour by bringing you more customers. He is a firm believer in globalisation since it presents fascinating difficulties that can be transformed into profitable possibilities only if the ground realities of business and industry are thoroughly understood.

Follow Strollay on Instagram: https://instagram.com/Strollay

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