Consilium is the first science-fiction in Kannada language ever. The story revolves around two techie brothers, Dhananjay and Samruddh. The focus is about the mysterious...
Introducing Indian artists with extraordinary vision and style at a global magnitude New Delhi: Bluerickshaw announces extension with Art @ Bluerickshaw for visionary artists of...
Bengaluru (Karnataka) [India]: 8th December 2021: CloudSEK, a global leader in cybersecurity, which leverages AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Machine Learning (ML) to combat cyber threats,...
Kolkata (West Bengal) [India], 08 Dec 2021: Say hello to innovation in the kitchen with TTK Prestige’s new Sleek gas stove, which offers a multitude...
Are you interested in Forex Trading but don’t have enough time to worry about market analysis, chart study, keeping up with the economic calendar, etc?...
December 07, 2021: Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) launched the Taiwan Product Centre (TPC) in India with the aim to support its business ties...
ACON OPTICS has more than 20 years of design and manufacturing capabilities with specialties such as in passive fiber optics interconnect and optical components for...
New Delhi, December 04, 2021: Committed to support the differently-abled people in terms of motivating them to become self-dependant, Modair has announced its participation in...