Chennai, Tamil Nadu: The wait for Masterchef Tamil just got exciting with the launch of a brand new promo. Showcasing the ever charming MakkalSelvan Vijay Sethupathi...
New Delhi: The Principal Scientific Advisor (PSA) to the Government of India, Prof K. Vijay Raghavan launched ‘Grassroots Innovation Programme (GRIP)’ for students, an initiative...
New Delhi [India]: StayHappi Generic range of medicines is equivalent to branded medicines. They rank high in quality and efficacy with any other best-selling market...
Noida, Uttar Pradesh [India]: Workspaces constitute 70% of a working individual’s day and subsequently is directly related to their well-being. Therefore, we must rethink and...
The new forum QUAD launched recently added a new dimension to India & US relationship: Dr. Vijay Chauthaiwale, In-Charge, Foreign Affairs Department, Bharatiya Janata Party...
Salem, Tamil Nadu [India]: Dhenesh Annamalai is a Salem based aerial photographer whose works has amazed thousands of people from all over the world. Imagine...
Mumbai, Maharashtra, [India]: The Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in Mumbai, in association with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID),...
New Delhi: While the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has uprooted major business sectors in the country, genuine providers who assist overseas student applicants appear to still be...